The Tesla Owners Club of Western Australia recently held its inaugural Electric GoKart Championships at the Powerplay indoor track in Joondalup. The concept was proposed by TOCWA committee member Peter Petrovsky who arranged a private event that would give Tesla owners full use of the track over a 4 hour time slot.

The 48 pre-registered drivers separated into random groups of 8 driving a 12 lap qualifying session. After the initial 6 qualifying sessions drivers were placed into 6 finals according to their fastest lap time, each final of 8 closely matched drivers was a 12 lap test of skill with the fastest lap time being declared the winner.
Trophies were Tesla themed with – Rainbow Road, Sport, Insane, Ludicrous, Plaid and Plaid Plus awards. We also had a Chill Award presented to Julie-Anne Watson for showing great Spirit at the event.

The evening ran fairly smoothly considering it was our first event of this kind, the committee are planning a few tweaks for next year that should make it even more enjoyable.
A big thanks to the great staff at Powerplay Joondalup, to the committee for organizing the online booking system and email communications, and of course to Peter Petrovsky for overseeing the whole event.